Editing rates

Your rates can be based on project, per hour, or per page

We take the amount of effort needed to complete your project and the complexity of the work when considering your rate. So, before we provide you with a quotation, we’d like to see a sample of the work to be edited, or at least have a conversation with you about it.

We base our rates on the rate schedule published by the Editorial Freelancers Association. Common editorial rates – regardless of whether your fee is by project, per page, per word, or hourly – tend to fall within the ranges indicated below. These should be used only as a guideline; rates vary depending on the nature of the work, the time frame of the assignment, the degree of special expertise required, and other factors. For example, our rates for editing business works generally fall in the middle range of the EFA rates. Rates for more technical or challenging works fall at the higher end of the range. The industry standard for a manuscript (ms) page is 250 words.

Editing Rates
Editing services provide significant value


  • Developmental editing: 1–5 pages per hour, $45–$55 per hour
  • Substantive editing: 1–6 ms pages per hour, $40–$60 per hour
  • Copyediting (basic): 2–10 ms pages per hour,  $30–$50 per hour
  • Proofreading: 9–13 ms pages per hour, $30–35 per hour
  • Indexing: 8–20 printed pages per hour, $35–$65 per hour, $5.50–$12 per indexable page
  • Editorial management: By project only

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